2023 Reading Log

Because Goodreads sucks.

Date Title Author Rating Notes
12/23/2023 Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow Gabrielle Zevin ★★★★1/2 Was on the waitlist for this one for a while! Some of the references seemed a bit Ready Player One at first, so I was skeptical, but it ended up living up to the hype.
October 2023 His Dark Materials trilogy Philip Pullman ★★★★1/2 Genuinely worth reading for the first time, even as a grown adult!
July 2023, probably Scars of the Golden Dancer NightEyes DaySpring ★★★★ And so the delve into furry fiction continued.
06/16/2023 Feed Them Silence Lee Mandelo ★★★★ Continuing the pattern of "me loving protagonists that people on Goodreads seem to hate". Also, this is tagged as horror? It's not a happy story, necessarily, but I don't know if I'd define it that way.
06/06/2023 The Captain's Oath Rick Griffin ★★★1/2 Like the previous installation, rating this was hard -- I got invested in the story, but I don't think the writing measures up against anything I've rated 4 stars or higher. Still want to see what happens to these furry freaks in book 3!
06/01/2023 Traitors, Thieves, and Liars Rick Griffin ★★★1/2 Fun read, regardless of my rating. I'm always glad to get into some decent furry fiction, and Rick Griffin's art is a nice touch. Moving on to the sequel!
05/30/2023 Open Throat Henry Hoke ★★★★★ Woah
05/27/2023 The Salt Grows Heavy Cassandra Khaw ★★★★ Today's word of the day is... Enucleation!
Early May 2023 Some Desperate Glory Emily Tesh ★★★★★ Currently experiencing the utter pain of really enjoying a book, and, as a librarian, being unable to convince anyone else to check it out.
03/18/2023 Gateway Frederik Pohl ★★★★1/2 "Freudian loot box fiction" is second only to "Catholic spaceship fiction" for me, so naturally I enjoyed this a lot -- although, spoiler alert, the big psychiatric revelation aged (hilariously) poorly.
03/12/2023 The History and Uncertain Future of Handwriting Anne Trubek Served its purpose I have a bookshelf with a backlog at least a hundred strong, and I choose to read this? It was fine. Did you know medieval monks went through dozens of quills every day?
02/17/2023 Hell Bent Leigh Bardugo ★★★ Okay, never mind. I made it two-thirds of the way through and realized I didn't care anymore. Sorry, Bardugo. At least the cover is cool.
01/25/2023 Ninth House Leigh Bardugo ★★★1/2 My last few stabs at fantasy had me worried that I was outgrowing the genre, but I'm glad to see I can still have fun with it.
01/14/2023 Dead Silence S.A. Barnes ★★★★ Fun -- read within a 24-hour window.
01/13/2023 Mistborn Brandon Sanderson ★★★ Good worldbuilding... Bad prose... And too many ellipses...
Early January 2023 A Confederacy of Dunces John Kennedy Toole ★★★★1/2 Empathized with Ignatius more than I reasonably should've. A character after my own heart.