Recipes for Cats

Pretty Kitty Nutrient Slabs

Tasty, nutritious, and easy to assemble, these crispbread creations are sure to satisfy the most famished feline.

Cooking time: Negligible


  • Crispbread of choice, 2 or 3 pieces (I like Wasa)
  • Sour cream
  • Lemon
  • 1 tin sardines
  • Dill (preferably fresh, but dried is fine)
  • Thinly sliced onion (red or whichever is on hand)


  1. Spread sour cream on crispbread, and give each a generous squeeze of lemon juice and sprinkle of dill.
  2. Place sardines and onion as desired. Enjoy.

Castor Porridge

This pleasant piscine porridge, based on a recipe for Roman plebeian's gruel, is improved in modernity by easy access to the variety of vegetables that we enjoy today. The recipe is infinitely modifiable, and can generally be improvised with whichever grains, fish, and vegetables are on hand.

Cooking Time: Fast

Serves: 2 hungry boys, 3 regular boys, 4 small boys


  • 1 cup bulgur wheat
  • 1.5 cups water
  • Vegetables of choice (suggestions: carrots, parsnips, cauliflower, olives, radishes)
  • 1 tin anchovies
  • Fish of choice, preferably small and oily
  • Worcestershire sauce, to taste
  • Oyster sauce, to taste


  1. Chop your fish and vegetables into bite-sized pieces. Chop your anchovies smaller.
  2. Boil your bulgur wheat and vegetables until they are done, adding more water if necessary.
  3. Add fish, sauce, and oil from fish tins. Stir. Cook for another few minutes.